Friday, May 23, 2014

Public Health Services and Systems Research 2014 Call for Proposals

Additional Information:

This solicitation aims to expand the evidence for administrative and policy mechanisms that improve quality, efficiency and value in public health delivery. Up to nine studies may be selected to receive funding of up to $350,000 to support projects of up to 24 months in duration.
Studies funded through this solicitation will focus on multidisciplinary research that examines the organization, financing, delivery and quality of public health services and the subsequent impact on population health outcomes. Projects may seek to: 1) elucidate the health and economic value of public health activities; 2) understand how elements of the public health system influence the effective implementation of evidence-based public health strategies and/or strategies for collaboration between the public health and clinical health care delivery systems; and/or 3) test the impact of alternative strategies for delivering evidence-based public health services and/or collaborative approaches aimed at community health improvement between the public health and clinical health care delivery systems. Public health strategies include programs, policies, laws, services and administrative practices that are implemented by a variety of contributors within public health delivery systems for the primary purpose of promoting health and/or preventing disease and injury on a population-wide basis.